Monday, February 16, 2015

What's Your Cocktail?

Everyone has one. Their favorite.
The one that makes them smile after the first sip.

It's satisfaction, feeling in your groove, all is good in that moment.

What is your cocktail? 

What if we think of "that perfect cocktail" as an intangible?
(bare with me, I won't take your glass away )

What if we think of our perfect cocktail as the mixology of everything that makes us great in any given moment?

What is the mix of awesomeness, that when shaken or stirred together make you feel amazing, makes you feel like a big girl.

My cocktail of Big Girlness
Time to workout daily & eat clean
Quiet moments to write and create
Real family time with my husband and baby
Live my entrepreneurial life
Connect with my ladies

If these happen regularly in my life, I'm golden. I'm in my "big girl" stride.

My goal : Despite the hecticness of life, keep ordering that drink and work on enjoying more than that first sip.

What's your cocktail?

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