Friday, August 12, 2011

I'm a Big Girl

At the mature age of 4, I used to go to a restaurant called The Bird Cage for special "big girl" lunches with my grandmother (Granz). I was known to special order my peanut butter and jelly sandwich and chocolate milk, making sure they were made just the way I liked them. Feeling so glamorous and grown up, out for a fancy lunch with my Granz, I don't think my feet could have touched the floor, even if I was big enough at the time for them to do so.

Granz used to call me a "big girl". She asked me to behave like a "big girl", when we'd go shopping for "big girl" dresses, run our "big girl" errands and go for our "big girl" lunches.

My favorites were the "big girl" cocktails I used to get when we returned home after our outings. She'd make me the best Shirley Temples and put them in the fanciest of glasses... and if I was really lucky I'd get some fantastic garnish with a matchy cocktail stirrer. We'd get so excited we'd both clap. I still do that when I'm really, really happy about something. The term "big girl" was reserved for special things, grown up things, things only a mature girl knew how to handle.

Thirty-some years later, I made dear friends with some amazing women in business school. Wouldn't you know, they're "big girls" too. We all put on our "big girl pants" when we have to do something tough or challenging, we wear our hot "big girl" outfits with our "big girl bags" and our "big girl shoes" when we go out on the town. We all share a special affection for a fabulous "Big Girl Cocktail".

Being a "big girl" has always been something to celebrate for me. It exemplified being sophisticated, level headed, having grace under pressure, feminine and tough, determined, fun, and fanciful. It's all those lessons my Granz taught me as a little girl, "To be the best and the most you can be"... that's ALWAYS worth celebrating.

- Cheers to all the big girls

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