Monday, September 10, 2012

Getting back momentum - "on the side"

After I got my MBA last year, I  hit the ground running.

I knocked out my first book, was in the process of starting 2 companies, consulting with freelance clients… living the entrepreneurial dream that I fantasized over while I was in grad school.

Then came our wedding…

I now have an extraordinary amount of respect for anyone who plans a wedding on their own. It's quite the challenge. It was the biggest party we'll ever throw – 150 people, invitations, ceremony, music, food, seating charts, decorations, flowers, photographers.. family and out of town guests – keeping to my strict budget, firing the caterer, becoming the caterer, finding new food, hiring new help, making centerpieces, signs, place cards, flower arrangements, and dozens of other wedding craft projects.. and spending way too much time at Party City.  It actually all turned out great.

I have a good friend who told me it was okay if I took a break from my life (writing and my company) while I handled this massive undertaking - I was going to need the energy and the time. She was so right.

I figured out something amazing. Not only could I take a break from my life to get married, but I could give myself permission to take the following 2 months as well. I was tired…  diy wedding, trying to keep up with our life and my projects, and try to pay for it all, was a lot even for me.

I know I did it to myself, it's what I do. I actually apologized for it in my wedding vows. "I apologize in advance for the fact that I'm not really happy unless I have 100 things going on at once".

I sometimes am my own worst enemy.

So now it's two months later, all thank you notes are sent, the wedding explosion that covered every room in our home is now cleared.. I've had some time to digest it all.. it's time to get back to life again.

Post wedding life has a bit of a shift… I got a steady – a 9 to 5 job. In all the flurry of the wedding and our upcoming life as married people, including starting a family, we realized we should probably have a steady. I'm very happy I found an amazing new job working at a great agency that focuses on non-profit work. I can earn a good living and add something valuable to the world.. and my husband can focus on building company number 1.

So where does that leave me and my 2 loves (writing and BigGirl)? I've been looking for the momentum to get going again. The good thing about the break I took, is that if someone asked me about my book or BigGirl and how they are doing – I'd get all excited again… which is a great sign. I'm still passionate about what I want to do with my time (write and build my company) it's just a matter of getting my momentum back with my new life (married with a steady) where my personal time is evenings and weekends.

When it feels daunting, getting my book published and starting a company while working, I take comfort knowing it's not just me, that's how most writers and entrepreneurs have to swing it – after the steady. I heard someone call it "on the side" like an order of fries and a shake.. I'm a Sr. Art Director with a book and a cocktail company on the side. The goal is still to make them the main dish.. I just need to get cooking again.

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